
Rappelz Siege Times

Official Rappelz Time Pacific GMT -7

Temple of Lost Souls: 12:00 p.m. (32 man)
Ruins of Arid Moonlight 1: 1:00 p.m. (16 man)
Lost Mines 1: 2:00 p.m. (32 man)
Crystal Valley 1: 3:00 p.m. (48 man)
Palmir Plateau 1: 4:00 p.m. (64 man)
Temple of Ancients: 5:00 p.m. (32 man)

The Sanctuary: 12:00 p.m. (?man)
Ruins of Arid Moonlight 2: 1:00 p.m. (16 man
Lost Mines 2: 2:00 p.m. (32 man)
Crystal Valley 2: 3:00 p.m. (48 man)
Palmir Plateau 2: 4:00 p.m. (64 man)

Time Zone Converter

Arid Moon Map
Lost Mines Map
Crystal Valley Map
Palmir Plateau Map
Temple of the Ancients Map

Siege Basics:
Dungeon Time Attack is only available Monday-Thursday. At 12:01am PST on Friday the Raid Time Attack will be closed. The guild with the fastest time compete in a siege during the corresponding days. You can check other people's time at the stone next to each dungeon entrance.

To apply for a time guild masters need to go to the dungeon stone outside of the entrance of the dungeon. Guild masters need to be 20 levels about the dungeon level, which is listed on the dungeon stone.

To start The Raid Time Attack the guild master must create the siege party. To do so the guild master should type: /screate 'NAME'. Invite party leaders is /sinvite_gp 'NAME'. Party leaders can now invite people like a regular party /pinvite 'NAME'.
The Objective: Kill the two raid bosses.

Now you get the siege in PvP. The defending team (owner of the dungeon) must destroy the attacking teams dungeon core located in the dungeon.

The attacking team must protect dungeon core. Once you gain control of the Dungeon Core both teams will reset and their roles will be switched. The attackers now become the defenders and the defenders now become the attackers. Whoever owns the core at the end will be the winners.
Epic 6 Solus Aurum Events

Free 1 SS Code: VUGE-MKFT-JP00-0001

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